Sunday, March 7, 2010

Life Is Good by Leona I. Miller

Oh, life is good and it's so grand,

Since I walked away from sin;

The devil is troubled and trembles,

I'll never turn to his way again.

I'm having the time of my life,

Each day I walk with the King;

I've turned my back on the devil,

It's Jesus now...His praises to sing.

The Bible says Jesus loves me,

I believe and know it is true;

He is Alive and is coming soon,

Friend...I hope you know Him too.

There's no other way to Heaven,

Unless we walk with Jesus our King;

Let's walk together and be blessed,

Praise Him while the Angels sing.

Oh, I'm having such a great time,

God cares about me in many ways;

He guards every step I will take,

I love Him and give Him all my praise.

Yes, I'm having the time of my life,

Some friends cannot yet understand;

God's Plan is for me to always obey,

It's a Joy to walk and hold His hand.

O Lord Remember Me. by Leona I. Miller

The day was darkened with clouds,

A time to remember the Cross at Calvary;

It was a dark day there when Jesus died,

I come now to ask, O Lord remember me.

The morning hours pass swiftly by,

Lord, remember the lonely and the weary;

Remember those burdened and in sorrow,

Then I pray, O Lord remember me.

The shadows of evening cover the earth,

Again I think of Jesus there at Calvary;

Remember each pain and dying groan,

And then I ask, O Lord remember me.

Remember those who are so lost, Lord,

They are bound in sin and must be free;

They can never find their way alone,

Help them and then, O Lord remember me.

I am thankful for Your Mercy and Grace,

Then as I pause to bend my knees;

While You are there on Your Throne,

O Lord, please do remember me.

Do We Pray? by Leona I. Miller

Someone we love is sinking deep in sin,

This dear one, from God, has turned away;

When we learn someone has chosen to reject Him,

It must not be because we did not pray.

We must reach out to that someone in love,

With a need to bring them back today;

If they fail and miss Heaven above,

It must not be because we did not pray.

There may be sin in fun and pleasures we seek,

Many temptations will lure the soul away;

Sin leaves the soul, mind and body weak,

It must not be because we did not pray.

Time is passing from us each day and hour,

Sin has a very high cost to someday pay;

Satan will devour the soul with his power,

It must not be because we did not pray.

We must pray and leave the outcome to God,

Be loving and forgiving as we go our way;

If one life returns to God on this journey we trod,

We can Rejoice because we "did" pray.

Jesus of Galilee by Leona I. Miller

Jesus was hanging on the Cross in agony,

Oh! The shame of it all that day;

He suffered, Bled and Died for you and me,

Never forget Calvary and don't forget to pray.

Remember Jesus of Galilee.

Women followed Jesus of Galilee,

Standing to "watch"...a long way off;

Then went to prepare spices for His body,

Love of a great degree, while others

walked away to scoff,

At Jesus of Galilee.

The women returned the first day of the week,

It was very early in the morning;

The body of Jesus they came to seek,

They loved Him, still, in this new day's dawning,

This Man of Galilee.

The stone was found to be rolled away,

The body of Jesus was no longer there;

Two men stood in shining garments that day,

The women were afraid and filled with care,

For Jesus of Galilee.

The men asked, "Why seek the living among the dead?"

The Son of Man was delivered to the hands

of sinful men;

The women remembered, then, the words

Jesus had said,

He would be Crucified, but the third day

He would rise again,

He is Risen! This Jesus of Galilee.

Jesus said He would go but again return,

The time of His coming now draws near;

To see Him "descend" from Heaven; do we yearn?

Or will our hearts be filled with fear,

For this same Jesus of Galilee?

(St. Luke 24)

Jesus Is My Everything. by Leona I. Miller

Jesus is my Helper, my Hope, Lord and King,

He is Joy, Provider, and every day the same;

To Him I lift up my voice and sing,

While every foe trembles at His name.

There is Power in the name of Jesus,

I am so thankful He is mine;

There is none else, but only Jesus,

His name is precious, Blessed, Pure, Divine.

He is Alpha and Omega, Beginning and End,

The Son of God, the Vine, Holy, Saviour, Love;

Prince of Peace, Physician, High Priest, Friend,

Lamb of God, the Light, our Messiah above.

He is the Cornerstone, Master, Bread of Life,

My Guide, Healer, Shepherd, Strong Tower;

He is the Way, the Truth and the Life,

In Him is Victory, Salvation and Power.

He loves me; I Worship and Adore Him,

He suffered, gave His Blood, died and Arose for us;

I Praise Him, Glorify Him...He is the Great I Am,

I Believe His Word, His Blood, His Name...Jesus!

He is all of these and more.

Candle In The Night. by Leona I. Miller

The deeds we do for God are clearly seen,

We stand alone to do what is right;

Shadows are cast as a silver beam,

We must not be as a candle with flickering light.

God loves and cares for all mankind,

His love...our hearts should excite;

We will brightly shine for Jesus ~ or ~ faintly shine,

As one lone candle in the night.

We must never let our faith grow weak for Jesus,

But always keep His Armor shining bright;

The time will come for each of us,

Some day...we will take our Heavenly flight.

It should be a pleasure and our mission,

To do only what is pleasing in His sight;

Even when trials come ~ we'll reach completion,

If we're faithful as we climb the mountain's height.

Each day is ours to make a choice,

Let's seek God's will with all our might;

With faith bright and strong...we can rejoice,

If we're not as a flickering candle in the night.

Leave Regrets Behind. by Leona I. Miller

While we travel this journey of life,

Things may not always go as we planned;

Problems arise and tend to stir up strife,

We must pray and hold to God's hand.

Trials and sufferings come and then go,

Sometimes things said are not always kind;

Sadness may come and cause tears to flow,

We must leave all sad regrets behind.

Our loved ones may try to help us,

Our friends may not always understand;

The Best Friend we'll ever have is Jesus,

He is always with us to hold our hand.

Our journey in life may become dim,

Problems so often arise to torment the mind;

The Blood of Jesus covers all our sin,

Leaving all our sad regrets behind.

Forgive to be humble and pray,

Don't dwell on sad things that are past;

This life is quite brief and then some day,

Only things done for Jesus will forever last.

Things will not always be as they are now,

The time will come when we will find;

At the pierced feet of Jesus we shall bow,

Then gladly...we'll leave all sad regrets behind.

A Light In The Window. by Leona I. Miller

The road is never weary nor long,

When going to the home of a friend;

Whispering a prayer and in my heart a song,

I'll soon be there ~ it's just around the bend.

When with a friend, time swiftly passes away,

It's soon time for the return to home;

I'm blessed as I take a moment to pray,

Thankful for memories as friendship has grown.

With a light in the window just ahead,

I walk slowly and continue on;

The sunsets glow of yellow, gray and red,

Keeps me watching 'til the colors are gone.

Slowly ~ the shadows of evening have grown,

Still, I keep watch on the glow ahead;

The light in the window leads me home,

I am blessed and my soul is fed.

There's a need for moments as this,

Moments to meditate and pray;

Earths beauty ~ I don't want to miss,

I'm preparing now, for Eternal Day.

There's never a lonely moment in life,

With a light in the window just ahead;

God will free us from all strife,

He is with us, just as He has said.

Leave the light on ~ in a window,

For someone who may be passing-by;

They'll not be alone and love will kindle,

Remembering a loving God is always nigh.

There's a mansion prepared in the sky,

A beautiful place in Heaven of our own;

I trust to be a light for others, in God's Eye,

As a light in the window that leads to Home.

Lights Along The Shore. by Leona I. Miller

My life is like a ship out at sea,

Burdens toss me about as ocean waves;

I am Thankful God watches over me,

My compass is set ~ I know Jesus Saves.

Trials come and press down on me,

It's then I trust Jesus ~ He is my Anchor;

Waves of trouble allow me to see,

Jesus has Control so I can conquer.

I keep my eyes on the distant shore,

My ship is tossed as if to sink;

I bow to pray as the ocean waves roar,

My faith must be firm and not shrink.

Jesus in my Captain 'til life is through,

With Him ~ I will not lose my way;

The Lighthouse Beam is within my view,

He leads and guides me to Eternal Day.

The lights are bright along the shore,

They glisten as diamonds in the night;

The Beacon guides while breakers roar,

He has kept me safe and in His sight.

Some day, my Vessel will safely land,

I'll meet loved ones who passed on before;

God will smile and tenderly take my hand,

Then I'll be at Home on Heaven's Shore.

A Praying Mother . by Leona I. Miller

Somewhere, a tearful Mother prays,

She loves her wayward child;

Still caring for her child's lost Soul,

Once so innocent, tender and mild.

While she rocked and sang a lull-a-by,

Her precious child drifted into sleep;

There in the warmth of her loving arms,

Only if the child was ill...she'd weep.

Those tender years are now gone,

Her love is still strong as back then;

She's had years to watch her child grow,

With God's Love to love again and again.

This dear Mother now has a heart to ache,

She waits patiently as her tears flow;

Kneeling to pray, she talks with God,

Her Saviour, she wants this child to know.

God bless every precious Mother who prays,

He knows her dear child will never forget;

Those times of knowing when Mother prayed,

There's peace...God is not finished yet.

There's pleasure in every temptation of sin,

Though it only lasts for a brief season;

When a loving Mother weeps and prays,

Her love for the wayward child, is the reason.

The Prodigal Son by Leona I. Miller

St. Luke 15: 11-32

The Prodigal Son was not content,

He made a choice to not live at home;

Did he fully know what this meant...

When he chose to leave and be alone?

He gathered what he had for his journey,

From his loving father, he wanted his share;

Then he went into a far away Country,

Where he wasted it all with sinful fare.

Then a famine came in that land,

This son became in a very great need;

A farmer sent him into his fields as a hired man,

The farmers pigs there, he was to feed.

He was hungry but no-one gave to him,

It was then, he thought of his father at home;

He knew he had chosen a life of sin,

He now felt so very much alone.

He arose and returned to his father,

His father saw him coming ~

while yet a long way off;

He ran to his son ~ embraced him

with loving pity,

He kissed him...a feast and a party began.

His brother was angry and would not go in,

He had been faithful and worked hard at home;

His father went out to plead with him,

Begged him to come in...why be our there alone?

The father gave a message clear and plain,

The older son never refused to work the ground;

He explained his brother was dead ~ is alive again,

He was lost ~ and now is found.

Calvary. by Leona I. Miller

What must it have been like,

When Jesus was on trial?

Then to hear the cock crow,

How He must have felt with denial.

To have those He loved,

Turn away and forsake Him;

Surely He grieved to see,

Such wickedness and sin.

What must it have been like,

To watch His suffering?

Those cruel men with hatred,

Then to hear the murmuring.

What must it have been like,

To watch Jesus carry His Cross?

Bleeding and still walking on,

Surely, it appeared as a loss.

What must it have been like,

To see nails pierce His hands?

Then His feet ~ and those thorns,

Could only God understand?

What must it have been like,

To see Jesus hanging on the Cross?

I am thankful He did this for me,

To save my soul from Eternal loss.

What must it have been like,

To hear Jesus cry, "It is Finished"

His Love ~ Wondrous Love,

Had hope and trust been diminished?

What must it have been like,

To see Jesus bow His head?

Surely there were tears to flow,

Everyone knew He was dead.

He was tenderly laid to rest,

A borrowed Tomb was given;

He would not need it long ~ we're blest!

He Arose and is now in Heaven.

He said He would go, but will return,

"Occupy until I come" ~ He said;

I'm waiting for Him ~ He is coming soon,

Awake! He Arose! He is Not dead!

Hold Fast To The Rock. by Leona I. Miller

Troubles sometimes overwhelm me,

I could so easily fall into despair;

Then I think of Jesus and Calvary,

Through it all, I am able to bear.

I must always hold fast to the Rock,

The Rock that is Higher than I;

Jesus stands at my heart to knock,

If I let Him in ~ all tears He will dry.

In holding on to the Solid Rock,

Man cannot dis-lodge me ~

nor ocean's high tide;

As a shell grips the wet,

moss-covered rock,

I'll live close to God ~

in Him to abide.

Then ~ when troubles in life arise,

I may be tempted to give-in and let-go;

But that would not be at all wise,

I can overcome, holding fast to the Rock.

That Rock ~ the Solid Rock ~ is Jesus,

His Perfect Love casts out all fear;

There is none other ~ there's only Jesus,

I am thankful He is always near.

Prayer For Leona I. Miller

I come into Your presence, Lord,

Guide me to follow You and obey;

Help me to better understand Your Word,

I thank You for this beautiful day.

Those who grieve ~ comfort them, Lord,

Lift up those who are discouraged today;

Bring back those straying from Your Word,

Give cheer to our Troops in harms way.

Bless the families left behind, Lord,

Give them strength and courage to go on;

Guide them as they daily read Your Word,

Let every thought of fear be gone.

Keep us all from temptations of sin,

Direct all the evil darts to be turned away;

Lead us to overcome ~ for Victory to win,

It is in the Name of Jesus ~ I pray.

~ Amen ~

Traveling Leona I. Miller

Each of us are on a Journey,

We must keep traveling on;

A choice must be made who we'll serve,

Every day with the morning's dawn.

The trials and burdens may be many,

The baggage we carry is so heavy;

Even though we become weary of traveling,

Jesus helps us to keep our feet steady.

We need have no fear in our heart,

In Heaven our Victory will be won;

God sends Angels to protect us,

So let's keep traveling on.

Someday, God will call our name,

It may be sooner than we think;

With Hope, we must prepare our life,

We must never allow our faith to shrink.

Keep traveling on...we'll meet Jesus,

Someday we will reach our goal;

The books will be opened and we'll know then,

How every sin un-forgiven will take its toll.

If we walk with God...He will walk with us,

He will lead, guide and direct us from wrong;

Until He calls us from this earth,

Be patient and just keep traveling on.

Tears... by Leona I. Miller

Tears of affliction may dim the eyes,

While the winds of temptations blow;

Seas of discouragement send sorrows,

Be patient and wait for blessings to flow.

Each new day gives a new beginning,

Tears may flow, but God understands;

Speak with Him in humble prayer,

He will help His Plan.

Tears are seen and heard by our God,

Jesus wept too, when Lazarus had died;

He knows our thoughts before we think them,

He knows each sorrow when we have cried.

The heart may feel as if to be breaking,

There's tenderness, weakness and pain;

In times like these we must remember,

God did not promise every day without rain.

There are clouds in life that will come,

God has faithfully promised to be with us;

We must trust Him, always, for all things,

It's too easy to complain, fret and fuss.

Turn everything over to our Heavenly Father,

Watch as He turns the problems around;

This world is not a permanet dwelling place,

He lifts the troubled soul to Higher ground.

Pray and trust Him today, dear friend,

You will be so thankful you did;

Things will not always be as now,

Let burdens and tears with Him be hid.

Thank You Father. by Leona I. Miller

Father, I come in humble prayer,

Asking for Your Wisdom again today;

Thank You for always watching over me,

There are so many obstacles in my way.

Please, Father, give peace to the weary,

Give strength to those who lost their way;

Watch over the lonely and those in sin,

Comfort those who grieve a loss today.

There's a great need for Your love each day,

It is not possible to make it on my own;

I know nothing is impossible for You,

You hear each prayer, tear, sigh and groan.

Father, please don't let me go astray,

Every moment, I need Your tender care;

So un-worthy still, but I give You praise,

Thank You for hearing each humble prayer.

Thank You, again, for Your protection,

Thank You for Your tender, loving embrace;

Thank You for being with me when I'm weak,

Thank You for Saving me by Your Grace.

In the precious Name of Jesus,

~ Amen ~

Jesus Leona I. Miller

Does Jesus care when you are sad?

Oh yes, He cares for you, dear friend;

Keep your eyes focused on Him, always,

There's Joy and on Him you can depend.

Jesus cares when things go wrong,

He watches over you, day and night;

He walked the roads of sorrows too,

Rejoice and keep your vision bright.

Walk by faith and not by sight,

Trust in Him so you don't go astray;

Lean on Him ~ He will guide you,

Just remember...don't forget to pray.

Call on Him in times of trouble,

He knows everything that you need;

He waits patiently for you to come,

It matters not of race, color or creed.

There is a harvest time ahead,

First though, we must plant the seed;

Seeds of Joy, happiness, love and peace,

Forgive others and pull up angers weed.

God is Love, so walk daily with Him,

He will forgive every sin you regret;

He cares about you and each problem too,

Remember friend, God is not finished yet.

The Way Of Life. by Leona I. Miller

When life's storms rage around us,

Call to Jesus and kneel to pray;

He gives shelter in His loving arms,

Guiding and giving protection each day.

The ways of life are not always easy,

Often, there is trouble in the way;

We may stumble, but Jesus cares,

He gently keeps us from going astray.

The enemy prowls and seeks to devour,

That's when we must call on Jesus;

Prayers are the answer for our happiness,

Jesus is the One whom we must trust.

Some day the raging storms will cease,

Our soul will be at peace on Heaven's shore;

There, no heartaches will ever be known,

Trials can never again, against us roar.

Heaven awaits the Saints who love Jesus,

A place of rest, love, joy and peace;

There will be a reunion with loved ones,

Praising Jesus with Angels to never cease.

Let's put aside all our differences and get

ready to meet Him...He is coming soon.